Enhanced care through advanced technology
Since 2007 we import and distribute advanced technological medical products to address the needs of our physicians and their patients. Our main areas of operation are Peripheral Intervention, Cardiac Intervention, and Interventional Oncology & Spine. Our qualified staff, with a great experience in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors, have all the necessary knowledge, passion and ability to accomplish their mission with success.
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Zerono S.A participated in the "working groups' held in Thessaloniki on 16-18 February 2023.
Zerono S.A actively supporting once again the Hellenic society of cardiology,participated in the... p>
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12th National Congress of Interventional Radiology
Zerono S.A. was once again among the main sponsors of the event, as... p>
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Series of Webinars of Invasive Radiology 2020-21
Zerono S.A., once again actively supported the Hellenic Society of Invasive Radiology by... p>
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DERIVO® gets mini - Advanced flow diversion with unique visibility concept
The DERIVO® mini Embolisation Device is the miniaturization of the proven and reliable... p>
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